Ode to O’Keefe

© Pam Van Londen 2006 Ode to O'Keefe, 10x12
© Pam Van Londen 2006 Ode to O'Keefe, 10x12

While in Santa Fe, NM, we spent time at the O’Keefe Museum, which hosted Many paintings I hadn’t seen yet. I found several favorites and grabbed some postcard prints to hang in the RV for inspiration.

Her paintings blend smooth the roughness of the high-desert landscape and sometimes abstract or make surreal the jungstiposition of hills, plateaus, pines, rivers, arroroys, bones, and flowers.

This painting was done very quickly in the afternoon heat with the wind threatening to blow my supplies away. The trees are not right for the scene and will be revised. I have a ways to go before I can emulate O’Keefe’s style!