New Year’s Resolutions for 2010

Creative Every Day Challenge

Mod Pod Decore

Daily Painters Abstract Gallery

Workshop for small businesses in Oregon

Each year brings gains and losses in all aspects of life but to grab a footfold on my future, I like to dream; manifest if you will. I don’t always get to the result easily, but I am practicing getting there that way. The past 3 weeks of vacation have allowed me time to think and rethink the past and what is coming up. I tend to be successful by dreaming/manifesting what I want to happen. Writing them down somewhere often makes it so. Join me in my life’s work by reading, thinking, and supporting me in whatever way you feel you can.

  1. Painting: I want to…
    1. Continue “painting every day.”
      • This means getting back to the habit starting yesterday.
    2. Promote myself in new ways locally and online.
      • I’ve switched from showing my work on the DPIAG site to the Daily Painters Abstract Gallery.
      • I sold 6 paintings at the Mod Pod Decor store in December, 2009, so hope to continue that relationship.
      • I’ll be hanging daily paintings, rather than larger paintings, at local locations, since they sells better (I supposed because the price is easier on a patron’s pocketbook).
      • I just joined the Art of Landscape group and Creative Every Day daily challenge.
  2. Web Development and Online Promotions: I want to…
    1. Get at least 20 Oregon Artists on board with the site.
      • Seek out artists who are prolific in their work, painting nearly every day.
      • Enticing them with an easy-to-use web site and upload system.
      • I’ll be writing more newsletters and tutorials to help newbies.
    2. Teaching more workshops for business folks (especially creative types).
      • Check out the workshop description for my Feb 20 LBCC workshop. Join us if you need a simple, free web site, which you can make in a day and update anytime you like (with no code).
    3. Selecting a few new clients to build professional sites for.
      • Consulting helps pay the bills, but allows me to learn more about user interface design, the psychology of businesses and their audiences, and code. I love HTML 5 and CSS 3!
  3. Teaching: I want to…
    1. Teach more courses online.
      • I enjoy the process of teaching technology concepts and skills online and helping others get on board with what I consider a higher-quality educational experience than a common lecture course.
      • Online courses are not for everyone, but they are for a better solution for more folks than we might think.
    2. Teach art lessons and  courses.
      • For kids or adults, there is nothing more rewarding than saying, “I did it!” We ALL can draw or paint…we just need the right teacher, encouragement, and practice. Sound familiar? Most skills take these three elements.
      • For professional artists, I can share my process and teach good habits.