Holiday Sale Starts Now!

From now until January 7, you can purchase paintings at a discount!

HVCC Holiday Concert and Gift Bazaar
HVCC Holiday Concert and Gift Bazaar

  1. My Etsy Shop: Take a 15% off with coupon #1234567. Shipping is additional. Credit Cards accepted.
  2. This web site: Some items are on sale. Click on the Sale link. Credit Cards accepted.
  3. HVC Choir Concert & Bazaar on Dec 11. All sales go to HVCC. Prices will range from $15 to $64 for framed original 8×8-inch paintings.
  4. Call for an appointment to see my work in my home studio.  Prices negotiable. Credit Cards accepted.

Some of my work is also available at Mod Pod Decor and Timeless Talisman Gallery.