Displaying database content with MySQL queries


Download the code you see in the column at the right, prepared by Pam Van Londen and James Holladay, OSU.


PHP and MySQL for Dynamic Web Sites
Larry Ullman. Visual QuickPro Guide. Peachpit Press. 2003. Read and try chapters 4 to 10.
Type in any php function name after the domain name to read what it means and how to use it.

A standard set of actions between PHP and MySQL is often structured like this in a PHP file:

1. Start the script.

/* This form allows the user to add a descriptive link to a database after preview and validation
and display it on the same page.
Written by Pam Van Londen and James Holladay in 2009.

// 1. Set variables for the script.
$pagetitle = "Daily Painters ";
$subtitle = "Famous Artists";
//Set the default background color for each input field.
$firstnamecolor = '#fff';
$lastnamecolor = '#fff';
$websitenamecolor = '#fff';
$imagenamecolor = '#fff';
$bionamecolor = '#fff';
//Define global variables so their values can be accessed by other PHP tags.
global $valid;
global $submitted;
global $validFirstName;
global $validLastName;
global $validWebsite;
global $validImage;
global $validBio;

//initialize variable values
if(!isset($_POST['submit'])){//if the submit button was not yet pressed
$submitted = 0;
$valid = 0;//to stop the preview from showing when the page first loads with no content.
if(isset($_GET['submitted'])){//lets the preview division show that the entry has been added to the database
$submitted = 1;

2. Include site-wide files.

// 2. Display the template header.
include '../header.htm' ;
Open a connection to the database.
// Connect to the database.
require_once ('../../connect.php');

3. Verify the form data.

// 3. Set up the preview validation.
//if the preview button is clicked, set $valid to 1, we will make it 0 if any part of validation fails. Set all other validation-related variables to 1 or true.
if(isset($_POST['preview'])){//if the preview button is clicked
  $valid = 1;
  $validFirstName = true;
  $validLastName = true;
  $validWebsite = true;
  $validImage = true;
  $validBio = true;

//Validate each field.
  if(!ctype_alpha($_POST['first_name']) || empty($_POST['first_name'])){//must not be empty, must be alphabetic.
    //if not valid, change background color of input element, set pertinant validation variables to 0 or false.
    $valid = 0;
	$firstnamecolor = '#FFCC99';
	$validFirstName = false;
  if(!ctype_alpha($_POST['last_name']) || empty($_POST['last_name'])){//must not be empty, must be alphabetic.
	//if not valid, change background color of input element, set pertinant validation variables to 0 or false.
    $valid = 0;
	$lastnamecolor = '#FFCC99';
	$validLastName = false;
  $webURL = $_POST['website'];
  if(@fopen($webURL,'r') === false || empty($_POST['website'])){//must not be empty, URL must exist.
	//if not valid, change background color of input element, set pertinant validation variables to 0 or false.
    $valid = 0;
	$websitecolor = '#FFCC99';
	$validWebsite = false;
  $imgURL = $_POST['image'];
  if(@GetImageSize("$imgURL") === false || empty($_POST['image'])){//must not be empty, an image must exist at the specified URL.
    //if not valid, change background color of input element, set pertinant validation variables to 0 or false.
    $valid = 0;
	$imagecolor = '#FFCC99';
	$validImage = false;
  if(empty($_POST['bio'])){//must not be empty.
    //if not valid, change background color of input element, set pertinant validation variables to 0 or false.
    $valid = 0;
	$biocolor = '#FFCC99';
	$validBio = false;
3.1 Handle the data given by the visitor.
global $submitted;
// Handle the form when submit is clicked.
  if(!$submitted){//change the $submitted variable to 1, after clicking the submit button
   $submitted = 1;

    // Insert new data from the form into the database

    // 3.1 Grab field data from the form and protect against SQL injections (stop any code inserted into the form field from running, which could erase our database tables).
	$cleanFirstName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['first_name']);
	$cleanLastName = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['last_name']);
	$cleanWebsite = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['website']);
	$cleanImage = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['bio']);
	$cleanBio = mysql_real_escape_string($_POST['image']);
3.2 Construct SQL INSERT query.
// 3.2 Construct the query.
    $insert = "INSERT INTO artists (user_id, first_name, last_name, website, bio, image, registration_date) VALUES (
3.3 Execute SQL query, saving visitor data to the database.
// 3.3 Send the data to the database
	  print '<p class="alert">Entry added.</p>';
	  die("<p>Could not add the entry because: it was probably a duplicate, or <b>" . mysql_error() . "</b>. The query was $query.</p>");

	//this works to keep data from resubmitting on refresh, but no 'submitted' message will appear, and it requires javascript to be turned on.
	echo "<script>window.location.replace('redirect.php?name=".$_POST['first_name']."');</script>";

  }//end if for insert

4. Add content from the database.

4.1 Query the database.
// 4. Display selected files from the table and order them.

// 4.1 Display the list of artists in ascending order by last name.
$show = 'SELECT * FROM artists ORDER BY last_name ASC';
4.2 Check for errors.
// 4.2 Run the query; if the table has rows fo data...
if($r = mysql_query($show)){
4.3 Begin the <table> element.
// 4.3 Start a division, list, and/or table before the rows are displayed.
  echo '<div class="rightbox"><dl> ';
4.4 Loop through all records, adding a <tr> for each
// 4.4 Retrieve and print every record or row along with the list or table tags each needs.
  while($row = mysql_fetch_array($r)){
	print "<dt><a href='{$row['website']}' >{$row['last_name']}, {$row['first_name']}  

			<dd><img src='{$row['image']}' alt='{$row['bio']}' height='30' width='175' />

4.5 Close the <table> element
// 4.5 End the list, table, and/or division.
  echo '</dl></div>';

5. If an error occured while inserting the form data into the database, add an error message.

// 5. Error - Query didn't run.
  die ('<p>Could not retrieve the data because: <b>' . mysql_error() . "</b>. The query was $show.</p>");
}// End of query IF.

6. Close the database connection.

// 6. Close the database connection.

// Close the php script.

7. Add the form.

<!-- 7. display a form with validadtion, preview, and submit to database options. -->
<form name="addfamous"  id="addfamous" action="<?php echo htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); ?>"  method="post"> 

<!--7.1 preview is hidden until preview button is clicked -->
  <div id="previewFormData">
    global $valid;
	global $submitted;
	if($submitted){//clear the form if it was submitted.
	  echo '<fieldset class="preview"><legend style="margin-top:30px;">Preview</legend><dl>';
	  print "<dt><p>Your Information has been submitted, ".$_GET['submitted'].".</p></dt>";
	  echo '</dl></fieldset>';
	  $valid = 0;
	else if($valid == 1){//if the form is valid, but not yet submitted, write the content to the preview division.
	  echo '<fieldset class="preview"><legend style="margin-top:30px;">Preview</legend><dl>';
	  print "<dt><a href='{$_POST['website']}' style='color:#000;' >{$_POST['last_name']}, {$_POST['first_name']}</a></dt>
			 <dd><img src='{$_POST['image']}' alt='{$_POST['bio']}' height='30' width='175' /></dd>
	  echo '</dl>
	        <label for="submit"><input name="submit" id="submit" class="confirm" type="submit"  value="Add to List" tabindex="y" accesskey="a"  /></label>

<!--7.2 form instructions-->
  <p>Please use this form to add a famous artist, a link to their web site, and an image of their work. </p>
  <p><span class="example">Required fields are marked with an orange  <span class="alert">*</span>
  and accesskeys are labeled with an <u>underline</u> and can be used with the Alt-Shift (Windows) or Control (Mac) keys.</span> </p>
<!-- 7.3 form fields-->
    <legend>Who do you consider famous?</legend>
    <p><label for="first_name"><u>F</u>irst name  <span class="alert"> *</span></label><br />
      <input  style="background-color:<?php echo $firstnamecolor?>" name="first_name" id="first_name" type="text" tabindex="1" accesskey="f" value="<?php echo $_POST['first_name']; ?>"  size="20" maxlength="30"   /><?php global $validFirstName; if (isset ($_POST['preview'])) { if(!$validFirstName){echo '<p class="invalidData" style="color:#f00;">Please enter a'; if(!empty($_POST['first_name'])){echo ' valid';}echo ' first name.</p>';}} ?> </p>

    <p><label for="last_name">Last <u>n</u>ame  <span class="alert"> *</span></label><br />
      <input  style="background-color:<?php echo $lastnamecolor?>" name="last_name" id="last_name" type="text" tabindex="2" accesskey="n" value="<?php echo $_POST['last_name']; ?>"  size="20" maxlength="30"   /><?php global $validLastName; if (isset ($_POST['preview'])) { if(!$validLastName){echo '<p class="invalidData" style="color:#f00;">Please enter a'; if(!empty($_POST['last_name'])){echo ' valid';}echo ' last name.</p>';}} ?> </p>

    <p><label for="website"><u>W</u>ebsite address <span class="alert"> *</span> </label><br />
      <input style="background-color:<?php echo $websitecolor?>"  name="website" id="website" type="text" tabindex="3" accesskey="w" value="<?php echo $_POST['website']; ?>" size="20" maxlength="100"  /><?php global $validWebsite; if (isset ($_POST['preview'])) { if(!$validWebsite){echo '<p class="invalidData" style="color:#f00;">Please enter a'; if(!empty($_POST['website'])){echo ' valid';}echo ' website address.</p>';}} ?> <br />
      <span class="example">Example: http://www.site.com</span></p>

    <p><label for="image"><u>I</u>mage of their work or portrait <span class="alert"> *</span> </label><br />
      <input  style="background-color:<?php echo $imagecolor?>" name="image" id="image" type="text" tabindex="4" accesskey="i" value="<?php echo $_POST['image']; ?>" size="20" maxlength="100"  /><?php global $validImage; if (isset ($_POST['preview'])) { if(!$validImage){echo '<p class="invalidData" style="color:#f00;">Please enter a'; if(!empty($_POST['image'])){echo ' valid';}else{echo 'n';}echo ' image URL.</p>';}} ?> <br />
      <span class="example">Example: http://www.site.com/picture.jpg</span></p>

    <p><label for="bio"><u>B</u>iography (short) <span class="alert"> *</span> </label><br />
      <textarea style="background-color:<?php echo $biocolor?>" name="bio" id="bio" tabindex="5" accesskey="b" cols="20" rows="6" ><?php echo $_POST['bio']; ?></textarea><?php global $validBio; if (isset ($_POST['preview'])) { if(!$validBio){echo '<p class="invalidData" style="color:#f00;">Please enter a'; if(!empty($_POST['bio'])){echo ' valid';}echo ' bio.</p>';}} ?> <br />
      <span class="example">No html allowed; just plain text.</span>
<!-- note that textarea size attributes are rows and columns, not size -->
<!--7.4 submit if preview is ok and all fields are valid -->
    <legend>Preview will show at the top of the page.</legend>
    <label for="submit"><input name="preview" id="preview" class="validator"  type="submit"   value="Preview" tabindex="6" accesskey="v"  />
    to <u>v</u>iew your submission.</label>

8. Include the site template.

<!--8. end the template items -->
include ('../footer.htm');