Course Logistics

By following these guidelines, you’ll succeed in this course:

  • Check Bb frequently for announcements and solutions.
  • Ask technical questions and provide alternative methods in class and the weekly forums so I can answer them for everyone.
    • If you need help getting your code to work:
      1. Use Dreamweaver’s Results panel to see what errors it finds.
      2. Ask questions in the Forum and check back later for answers.
      3. Come in during office hours.
      4. If all three of those methods fail to help solve your problem, email me. I check email every day. Send the URL of the page on the server in the email.
      5. If you have questions about your grade, then use email (it’s a private matter).
  • Add all work to your ONID or ENG server space and submit the URL in Blackboard.
  • Read the textbook(s), my lecture notes, and tutorials to see three different ways to accomplish the same tasks.
    • Print the lecture materials and deliverable page prior to class so you can ask questions and keep notes on the same page.
    • Try what you read.
    • Put in the necessary time.
  • Refrain from using Frames. But experiment with iframes.
  • Refrain from using adult content in your site, or anything illegal.
  • Title all emails with the course number (CS 195 or CS 295).
    • This is a requirement!
    • I get more than 100 emails per day and yours are the most important, so help me find them.